11 Facts About Scott McDaniel


Scott McDaniel was born on 1965 and is an American comics artist who has drawn numerous books, including Marvel Comics' "Fall from Grace" storyline for the Daredevil series.


Scott McDaniel was an avid fan of superheroes, and his mother would buy him stacks of comics from flea markets.


Scott McDaniel learned to draw from all those old comics.


Scott McDaniel graduated from the Penn Hills Senior High School in Penn Hills, Pennsylvania.


Scott McDaniel was enrolled as a Pre-Med student until the day he walked into Inorganic Chemistry and saw a 4-foot-long Schrodinger Wave equation scrawled on the chalk board.


Scott McDaniel took his BS in electrical engineering and went to work with the Kearfott Division of the Singer Company.


Scott McDaniel married his high school girlfriend and had a son, who he named Alex.


Scott McDaniel worked as an electrical engineer during the day, and worked on his art in the evenings.


Scott McDaniel relocated to Pittsburgh, and continued working as an electrical engineer with the Loftus Division of the Eichleay Corporation.


About a year later, Scott McDaniel was getting more assignments from Marvel.


Scott McDaniel's work tends to feature bold, bright colors against stark black, with a greater than average attention to fight scenes.