10 Facts About Service Merchandise


Service Merchandise was a retail chain of catalog showrooms carrying jewelry, toys, sporting goods, and electronics.

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Service Merchandise had other wholly owned subsidiaries featuring retail stores such as Zim's Jewelers, HomeOwners Warehouse, The Lingerie Store, and The Toy Store.

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Service Merchandise was a prominent sponsor of Wheel of Fortune.

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Until its closure Service Merchandise enjoyed a strong jewelry department, continuing as the largest watch retailer in the United States.

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Service Merchandise later filed a voluntary Chapter 11 petition to improve relations with its vendors and creditors in an effort to stabilize its business.

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Service Merchandise attempted to pull itself out of bankruptcy in summer 2001, but the economic downturn following the September 11 attacks proved to be a hurdle the company could not clear.

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Service Merchandise had an unusual ordering process which emphasized the catalog, even within the showrooms.

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Current Service Merchandise catalogs were placed on stands in strategic locations throughout the store to allow customers to shop for items not on display.

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Also in the mid-1980s, Service Merchandise experimented with the installation of drive-through windows at two showrooms, allowing customers with phone-in orders to pick up their orders without leaving their automobiles.

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Service Merchandise was known as one of the largest corporate donors to the Muscular Dystrophy Association during its time as an established company.

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