16 Facts About Shelby Steele


Shelby Steele was born on January 1,1946 and is an author, columnist, documentary film maker, and a Robert J and Marion E Oster Senior Fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution.


Shelby Steele specializes in the study of race relations, multiculturalism, and affirmative action.


In 2004, Steele was awarded the National Medal of the Humanities.


Shelby Steele was born in Phoenix, Illinois, a Cook County village off Chicago's South Side, to a black father and a white mother.


Shelby Steele's paternal grandfather was born a slave in Kentucky.


Shelby Steele met his wife, Rita Silverman, while they were students at Coe.


Shelby Steele was active in the SCOPE Project, a voter registration project of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and he met Rita at an activist meeting.


Shelby Steele spent 20 years as an English professor at San Jose State University.


Shelby Steele opposes policies such as affirmative action, which he considers to be unsuccessful liberal campaigns to promote equal opportunity for African Americans.


Shelby Steele contends that blacks have been "twice betrayed:" first by slavery and oppression and then by group preferences mandated by the government, which discourage self-agency and personal responsibility in blacks.


Shelby Steele believes that the use of victimization is the greatest hindrance for black Americans.


Shelby Steele wrote a short book, A Bound Man: Why We are Excited about Obama and Why He Can't Win, published in December 2007.


The book contained Shelby Steele's analysis of Barack Obama's character as a child born to a mixed couple who then had to grow as a black man.


Shelby Steele is vulnerable to them because he has hungered for a transparent black identity much of his life.


Shelby Steele has been critical of what he describes as the "world opinion" of Israel.


Shelby Steele has opined that there is "poetic truth" concerning the death of Michael Brown.