16 Facts About Shrinivas Kulkarni


Shrinivas Ramchandra Kulkarni was born on 4 October 1956 and is a US-based astronomer born and raised in India.


Shrinivas Kulkarni is the recipient of a number of awards and honours.


Shrinivas Ramchandra Kulkarni was born on 4 October 1956 in the small town of Kurundwad in Maharashtra, into a Deshastha Madhva Brahmin family.


Shrinivas Kulkarni's father, Dr R H Kulkarni, was a surgeon based in Hubballi and his mother, Vimala Kulkarni, was a home-maker.


Shrinivas Kulkarni is one of four children and has three sisters, Sunanda Kulkarni, Sudha Murthy and Jaishree Deshpande.


Shrinivas Kulkarni obtained his MS in Applied physics from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi in 1978 and his PhD from the University of California, Berkeley in 1983.


In 1987, Shrinivas Kulkarni obtained a position as faculty at the California Institute of Technology.


Shrinivas Kulkarni is known for making key discoveries that open new sub-fields within astronomy, using wide range of wavelength in observation.


Shrinivas Kulkarni made significant contributions in these sub-fields of astronomy.


Shrinivas Kulkarni studied Milky Way Galaxy using HI absorption under the guidance of his advisor Carl Heiles, and observed its four arms.


Shrinivas Kulkarni discovered the first millisecond pulsar called PSR B1937+21 with Donald Backer and colleagues, while he was a graduate student.


Shrinivas Kulkarni was instrumental in discovery of the first globular cluster pulsar in 1987 using a supercomputer.


Shrinivas Kulkarni was a member of the Caltech team that observed the first irrefutable brown dwarf in 1994 that orbited around a star called Gliese 229.


Shrinivas Kulkarni has been the Jury Chair for the Infosys Prize for the discipline of Physical Sciences since 2009.


Shrinivas Kulkarni is a member of as many as four national academies around the globe.


Shrinivas Kulkarni was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, London, in 2001, a member of the United States National Academy of Sciences in 2003, an honorary fellow of Indian Academy of Sciences in 2012, and a foreign member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences on 12 September 2016.