10 Facts About Sino-Tibetan language


Several links to other Sino-Tibetan language families have been proposed, but none have broad acceptance.

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Sino-Tibetan language divided them into three groups: Tibeto-Burman, Chinese and Tai, and was uncertain about the affinity of Karen and Hmong–Mien.

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The English translation "Sino-Tibetan language" first appeared in a short note by Przyluski and Luce in 1931.

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Sino-Tibetan language reconstructed a two-way distinction on initial consonants based on voicing, with aspiration conditioned by pre-initial consonants that had been retained in Tibetic but lost in many other languages.

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Sino-Tibetan language otherwise retained the outlines of Conrady's Indo-Chinese classification, though putting Karen in an intermediate position:.

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Sino-Tibetan language proposed a detailed classification, with six top-level divisions:.

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Internal structure of Sino-Tibetan language has been tentatively revised as the following Stammbaum by Matisoff in the final print release of the Sino-Tibetan language Etymological Dictionary and Thesaurus .

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Sino-Tibetan language calls the entire family "Tibeto-Burman", a name he says has historical primacy, but other linguists who reject a privileged position for Chinese nevertheless continue to call the resulting family "Sino-Tibetan".

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Sino-Tibetan language has proposed several hypotheses, including the reclassification of Chinese to a Sino-Bodic subgroup:.

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Van Driem suggested that the Sino-Tibetan language family be renamed "Trans-Himalayan", which he considers to be more neutral.

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