13 Facts About Sleep Dealer


Sleep Dealer is a 2008 futuristic science fiction film directed by Alex Rivera.

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Sleep Dealer depicts a dystopian future to explore ways in which technology both oppresses and connects migrants.

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Sleep Dealer is set in a future, militarized world marked by closed borders, virtual labor, and a global digital network that joins minds and experiences, where three strangers risk their lives to connect with each other and break the technology barriers.

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Sleep Dealer's father wants him to participate in growing crops on the meager family homestead.

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Sleep Dealer's tells him that he can find someone, known as a coyotek, to connect him by asking around in a certain alley.

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Alex Rivera Afrofuturism

Sleep Dealer's makes a living by uploading memories to an online memory trading company, TruNode, where viewers pay for content.

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Sleep Dealer finds an abandoned shack in which to stay at the edge of the city, where other node workers live.

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Sleep Dealer's helps him get a node job at a bar that has the equipment.

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Sleep Dealer's is the coyotek, having learned from her ex-boyfriend, and she does him a favor.

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Sleep Dealer's film is part of the emerging genre of speculative fiction called Latinxfuturism or Chicanafuturism, of which both have roots in Afrofuturism.

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Arguably the most important cultural impact of the film, Sleep Dealer provides POC representation and humanizes political issues through characters such as Memo and Luz.

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Montgomery goes on to comment, “The whole world has a future, yet 'Sleep Dealer' is one of the first science fiction films largely set in the underdeveloped parts — a milestone in film history.

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Sleep Dealer contributes to the Latinxfuturist works that try to represent people of color as well as reimagine a future without the colonialist androcentric oppressive forces that mark today's society.

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