27 Facts About Slow design


The Slow design philosophy is not about doing everything at a snail's pace.

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Slow design movement is not organised and controlled by a single organisation.

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Slow design Art Day is a global art movement, which was founded by Phil Terry and officially launched in 2009.

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Slow design ageing is a scientifically-backed and distinct approach to successful ageing, advocating a personal and wholly encompassing positive choice to the process of ageing.

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Slow design cinema is a cinematography style which derives from the art film genre and which consists in conveying a sense of calculated slowness to the viewer.

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Slow design goes on to say, "The issue to address is what kind of economy is going to be sustainable in its wider sense- eco- nomically, environmentally and socially.

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Slow design counselors understand that many clients are seeking ways to reduce stress and cultivate a more balanced approach to life.

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Slow design fashion ethos is a unified representation of all the "sustainable", "eco", "green", and "ethical" fashion movements.

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Slow design gaming is an approach to video games that is meant to be more slow-paced and more focused on challenging the assumptions and feelings of the player than on their skills and reflexes.

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Slow design gardening is an approach that helps gardeners savor what they grow using all their senses through all the seasons.

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Slow design Living means structuring your life around meaning and fulfillment.

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Slow design Living addresses the desire to lead a more balanced life and to pursue a more holistic sense of well-being in the fullest sense of the word.

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Slow design marketing is a reaction to the perceived "always-on" nature of digital marketing.

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Slow design Money is a specific non-profit organisation, founded to organise investors and donors to steer new sources of capital to small food enterprises, organic farms, and local food systems.

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Slow design Money aims to develop the relationship between capital markets and place, including social and soil fertility.

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Slow design Money is supporting the grass-roots mobilisation through network building, convening, publishing, and incubating intermediary strategies and structures of funding.

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Slow design parenting encourages parents to plan less for their children, allowing them to explore the world at their own pace.

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Slow design photography is a term describing a tendency in today's contemporary photography and visual arts.

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Slow design church is a movement in Christian praxis which integrates slow-movement principles into the structure and character of the local church.

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Slow design thought calls for a slow philosophy to ease thinking into a more playful and porous dialogue about what it means to live.

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Vincenzo Di Nicola's "Slow design Thought Manifesto" elucidates and illuminates Slow design thought through seven proclamations, published and cited in English, Indonesian, Italian, and Portuguese, and frequently cited in French:.

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Di Nicola's Slow design Thought Manifesto is featured in Julian Hanna's The Manifesto Handbook as a reaction against acceleration, "elucidating seven principles, including the practice of being 'asynchronic' or resisting the speed of modern times in favor of the 'slow logic of thought' and working toward greater focus".

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The Slow design Thought Manifesto is being cited in philosophy, information science, and peacebuilding politics.

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Slow design travel is not only about traveling from one place to another, it is about immersing oneself in a destination.

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Slow design travel, it is asserted, is a state of mind which allows travelers to engage more fully with communities along their route, often favoring visits to spots enjoyed by local residents rather than merely following guidebooks.

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The future of Slow design Travel is aiming toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions by reducing car and air travel because the rate we are using planes and cars is not sustainable for our atmosphere.

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The magazine Hidden Europe, which first published the "Manifesto for Slow design Travel", has particularly showcased slow travel, featuring articles that focus on unhurried, low-impact journeys and advocating a stronger engagement with communities that lie en route.

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