10 Facts About Social stress


Social stress is stress that stems from one's relationships with others and from the social environment in general.

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When Social stress becomes chronic, one experiences emotional, behavioral, and physiological changes that can put one under greater risk for developing a mental disorder and physical illness.

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Social stress is typically the most frequent type of stressor that people experience in their daily lives and affects people more intensely than other types of stressors.

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Similarly, social stress arising from discrimination is related to greater depressive symptoms.

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Social stress occurring early in life can have psychopathological effects that develop or persist in adulthood.

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Social stress has been tied to worse health outcomes among patients who already have a disease.

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For HIV-positive females, who have contracted the HSV virus, Social stress is a risk factor for genital herpes breakouts.

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Social stress leads to a number of physiological changes that mediate its relationship to physical health.

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Social stress stemming from perceived daily discrimination is associated with elevated levels of blood pressure during the day and a lack of blood pressure dipping at night.

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Nevertheless, a dysfunctional HPA response to Social stress is thought to increase risk for developing or exacerbating diseases such as diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and hypertension.

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