15 Facts About Southern Baptists


Southern Baptists adhered to a congregationalist polity and operated independently of the state-established Anglican churches in the South, at a time when non-Anglicans were prohibited from holding political office.

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Struggle for religious tolerance erupted and played out during the American Revolution, as the Southern Baptists worked to disestablish the Anglican church in the South.

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The Southern Baptists protested vigorously; the resulting social disorder resulted chiefly from the ruling gentry's disregard for public need.

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Georgia Southern Baptists decided to test the claimed neutrality by recommending a slaveholder to the Home Mission Society as a missionary.

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Southern Baptists considered this an infringement of their right to determine their own candidates.

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Baptists in Southern churches preferred a more centralized organization of churches patterned after their associations, with a variety of ministries brought under the direction of one denominational organization.

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Southern Baptists met at the First Baptist Church of Augusta in May 1845.

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Southern Baptists had served as president of the Triennial Convention in 1841.

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Southern Baptists had earned respect by showing leadership skills in building a large congregation in New Orleans.

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Ed Stetzer, president of LifeWay Research, explained, "historically, many Southern Baptists have considered themselves neither Calvinist nor Arminian, but holding a unique theological approach not framed well by either category".

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Southern Baptists observe two ordinances: the Lord's Supper and believer's baptism.

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Southern Baptists has the God-given responsibility to provide for, to protect, and to lead his family.

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Some believe that the Southern Baptists have not worked sufficiently to attract minorities.

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Generally, Southern Baptists recognize only two scriptural offices: pastor-teacher and deacon.

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Since 1979, Southern Baptists had become polarized into two major groups: moderates and conservatives.

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