18 Facts About Spider Robinson


Spider Robinson was born on November 24,1948 and is an American-born Canadian science fiction author.


Spider Robinson has won a number of awards for his hard science fiction and humorous stories, including the Hugo Award 1977 and 1983, and another Hugo with his co-author and wife Jeanne Robinson in 1978.


Spider Robinson was an avid reader of science fiction, and it was his early childhood exposure to the juvenile novels of Robert Heinlein that later influenced him to become a writer.


Spider Robinson attended a Catholic high school, spending his junior year in a seminary; this was followed by two years in a Catholic college, and five years at the State University of New York at Stony Brook in the 1960s, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts in English.


In 1971, just out of college, Spider Robinson took a night job guarding sewers in New York City, and wanting a career change, began writing science fiction.


Spider Robinson made his first short-story sale in 1972 to Analog Science Fiction magazine.


In 1973, Spider Robinson moved to Nova Scotia and began writing full-time.


Spider Robinson made several short-story sales to Analog, Galaxy Science Fiction magazine, and others, earning the John Campbell Award for best new writer in 1974.


Spider Robinson worked as a book reviewer for Galaxy magazine during the mid-to-late 1970s.


In 1977, Spider Robinson released Callahan's Crosstime Saloon, a collection of short stories in his long-running Callahan's series.


Similarly important to Robinson is writer Donald E Westlake and Westlake's most famous character, John Dortmunder.


In 1992, Spider Robinson was master-of-ceremonies for the Hugo Awards at MagiCon, the World Science Fiction Convention in Orlando, Florida.


In 2004, Robinson began working on a seven-page 1955 novel outline by the late Robert A Heinlein to expand it into a novel.


Spider Robinson has resided in Canada for nearly 40 years, primarily in the provinces of Nova Scotia and British Columbia.


Spider Robinson became a Canadian citizen in 2002, retaining his American citizenship.


Spider Robinson suffered a heart attack on August 31,2013, but recovered.


In 2013, Spider Robinson reported on his website that work on his next book Orphan Stars was progressing, albeit slowly.


Spider Robinson was named a Guest of Honor at the 76th World Science Fiction Convention in 2018.