14 Facts About Steve Sansweet


Stephen J Sansweet was born on June 14,1945 and is the chairman and president of Rancho Obi-Wan, a nonprofit museum that houses the world's largest collection of Star Wars memorabilia.


Steve Sansweet is author or co-author of eighteen books, sixteen of them about Star Wars.


Steve Sansweet was born in 1945 and raised in the Wynnefield section of Philadelphia.


Steve Sansweet says he knew he wanted to be a writer from age six, when he hand-printed a newsletter and sold copies to neighbors for three cents.


Steve Sansweet says that he got a lot out of his classes, many taught by working journalists.


Steve Sansweet worked on the special issue reporting the assassination of John F Kennedy; as two-term editor-in-chief a few years later, he called in late-night instructions to hand-print a banner headline announcing a next-day visit to the campus of President Lyndon Johnson.


In early 1969, Steve Sansweet became a reporter for The Wall Street Journal.


Steve Sansweet helped break the first stories on massive foreign bribery by US-based multinationals and was part of a Journal team that won the 1977 Sigma Delta Chi Public Service Award; he was a Loeb Award finalist in 1990.


Steve Sansweet was a lecturer in business journalism at the University of Southern California in the mid-1980s, teaching a course that he created.


Steve Sansweet turned his love of the Star Wars saga into a second career, acting as Lucasfilm's liaison to fans worldwide, and their liaison to the company.


Steve Sansweet did presentations at well over 100 conventions in the US and many more internationally from the UK, France, Spain, and Germany, to Australia, Japan, Mexico, and Finland.


Steve Sansweet appeared on more than 50 hours of Star Wars collectibles programming on QVC in the last half of the 1990s, and has amassed the world's largest private collection of Star Wars memorabilia, housed in a 9,000-square-foot converted chicken barn in Sonoma County, Calif.


Not abandoning his love of writing, Steve Sansweet has eighteen books to his credit, sixteen of them on Star Wars, including the 1.2 million word Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia in 2008 and 2012's Star Wars: The Ultimate Action Figure Collection.


Steve Sansweet stated via press release: "Nearly 15 years ago I left my post as Los Angeles Bureau Chief of the Wall Street Journal to follow my bliss and take a 'one-year job' as Lucasfilm's Star Wars ambassador," said Sansweet.