12 Facts About Steven Landsburg


Steven E Landsburg was born on February 24,1954 and is an American professor of economics at the University of Rochester in Rochester, New York.


Steven Landsburg received a PhD in mathematics from the University of Chicago in 1979.


Steven Landsburg wrote a column on "everyday economics" for Slate magazine from 1996 to 2008.


Steven Landsburg discussed recent research in micro-economics and its implications, as in an article on the value of mobile phones and driving, the cost of motherhood, and whether or not daughters cause divorce.


Steven Landsburg addressed legal issues: in a Slate column from 2003, he proposed punishing jurors when a jury's decision is later "proven" to be wrong, such as when an acquitted defendant later admits to committing the crime.


Steven Landsburg has been particularly critical of mainstream environmentalism, having devoted both Slate columns and book chapters to criticize environmentalist principles.


Steven Landsburg has reviewed popular economics books Freakonomics and The Undercover Economist for the Wall Street Journal.

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Steven Landsburg has spoken at many distinguished events and in February 2012 he spoke at Warwick Economics Summit and the Adam Smith Institute in the United Kingdom.


In March 2012, Steven Landsburg supported some of pop radio personality Rush Limbaugh's attacks against a Georgetown University student, Sandra Fluke Fluke spoke before Congress advocating mandating birth control coverage in some insurance programs, citing their use in preventing ovarian cysts.


Steven Landsburg teaches intermediate and advanced microeconomics at the University of Rochester.


For several years, Steven Landsburg served on the board of directors of Hutchinson Technology, a manufacturer of suspension assemblies for disk drives.


Steven Landsburg has one daughter, named Cayley, who was featured in his book Fair Play.