28 Facts About Sun Wukong


Monkey King, known as Sun Wukong in Mandarin Chinese, is a legendary mythical figure best known as one of the main characters in the 16th-century Chinese novel Journey to the West and many later stories and adaptations.

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In Journey to the West, Sun Wukong is a monkey born from a stone who acquires supernatural powers through Taoist practices.

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Sun Wukong has amazing strength and is able to support the weight of two heaven mountains on his shoulders while running "with the speed of a meteor".

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Sun Wukong is extremely fast, able to travel 108, 000 li in one somersault.

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Sun Wukong acquires the 72 Earthly Transformations, which allow him to access 72 unique powers, including the ability to transform into sundry animals and objects.

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Sun Wukong is a skilled fighter, capable of defeating the best warriors of heaven.

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Sun Wukong's hair has magical properties, capable of making copies of himself or transforming into various weapons, animals and other things.

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Sun Wukong finds a large iron bridge over rushing water, across which is a cave.

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Sun Wukong persuades the other monkeys to jump in, and they make it into their home.

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Sun Wukong then reminds them of their prior declaration, so they declare him their king.

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Sun Wukong takes the throne and calls himself Handsome Monkey King.

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Sun Wukong decides to strive out of his island on a self made raft, in search of an Immortal to teach him knowledge and how to beat death.

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Sun Wukong takes some clothes that were left out to dry, and continues on foot.

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Sun Wukong's face hidden by a hood, he travels through towns and sees many examples of human degeneracy and vice.

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Sun Wukong then forbids the Monkey King from ever revealing who taught him, and loyal Sun Wukong promises never to reveal who his Master was.

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Later, whenever Sun Wukong is asked about his powers and skills, he gives an honest answer when saying that he learned it all in his dreams.

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Sun Wukong brings the entire weapon storage of a nearby country for his subjects, but is unable to find a weapon fit for himself.

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At the entrance Sun Wukong asks for an introduction, but the Dragon King Ao Guang tells his guards to turn him away.

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Quickly realizing Sun Wukong is quite formidable, the Dragon King feigns willingness and hospitality, ordering his underlings to bring out weapon after weapon.

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Gold Star tells Sun Wukong he's been granted a far more important position as 'Guardian of the Heavenly Peach Garden, ' which peach-loving Sun Wukong accepts.

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Later, when seven heavenly maidens are sent by the Queen Mother Xi Wangmu to pluck peaches for the Royal Banquet, Sun Wukong discovers every important god and goddess has been invited to the banquet except for him.

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Sun Wukong is disheartened and turns into a fish to run away, then both of them keep shapeshifting to turn into more powerful things than the other, finally Laozi throws his Diamond Jade ring at Wukong from behind while he is fighting, knocking him senseless and enabling Erlang to bind him up.

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Sun Wukong is then very surprised to find that the five "pillars" he found are merely fingers of the Buddha's hand, finding it impossible to believe.

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Understanding Sun Wukong will be difficult to control, Guanyin gives Tang Sanzang a gift from the Buddha: a magical circlet which, once the Monkey King is tricked into putting it on, can never be removed.

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Sun Wukong gained immortality through seven different means, which together made him one of the most immortal and invincible beings in all of creation.

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Sun Wukong is informed there that his life in the human world has come to an end.

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Sun Wukong immediately is distracted by the aroma of the wine and decides to steal and drink it.

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Sun Wukong survives 49 days of the samadhi fire in Laozi's furnace and gains the ability to recognize evil; meanwhile, being refined in the crucible extracts yet more of the impurities of mortality and leaves him with another immortality.

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