26 Facts About Susenyos I


Susenyos I, known as Susenyos the Catholic, was Emperor of Ethiopia from 1607 to 1632, and a member of the Solomonic dynasty.


Susenyos I was the son of Abeto Fasil, as well as the grandson of Abeto Yakob and the great-grandson of Dawit II.


The Jesuits, who were closely associated with Susenyos I's reign, left numerous documents on their mission in Ethiopia.


Susenyos I was held captive for over a year until they were rescued by the Dejazmach Asbo in 1585 in a military campaign against the Oromos led by Emperor Sarsa Dengel, his uncle.


Susenyos I spent most of this period as shifta in his father's province of Gojjam fighting off raids by Oromos.


Meanwhile, Emperor Susenyos I was preoccupied with raiding parties of the Oromo.


An initial encounter with the Marawa Oromo near the upper course of the Reb River ended in a defeat for the Ethiopian advance guards; Susenyos I rallied his men and made an attack which scattered the Oromo.


The hostilities between the two kingdoms increased when the governor of the Mazaga, Aleko, who was a servant of Emperor Susenyos I, fled to Sennar with a number of the Emperor's horses and kettledrums.


Susenyos I complained of this to Badi, who refused to reply; further insulting him.


Susenyos I finally sent Bahir Negash Gebre Mariam to attack Mandara, whose queen controlled a strategic caravan road from Suakin.


Susenyos I' reign is perhaps best known as the brief period in Ethiopian history when Catholic Christianity became the official religion.


Susenyos I hoped to receive a new contingent of well-armed European soldiers, this time against the Oromo, who were ravaging his kingdom, and to help with the constant rebellions.


Susenyos I showed the Jesuit missionaries his favor by a number of land grants, most importantly those at Gorgora, located on a peninsula on the northern shore of Lake Tana.


In 1613, Susenyos I sent a mission heading for Madrid and Rome, led by Jesuit priest Antonio Fernandes.


Susenyos I withdrew privileges given to the sons of nobility and favored Jesuit-educated boys from outlying regions.


Susenyos I avoided their first attempt to assassinate him at court, but while he was campaigning against Sennar they raised a revolt, calling to their side "all those who were friends to the Alexandrian faith".


However, Susenyos I had returned to Dembiya before the rebels expected, and quickly killed Julius.


Yimena Krestos held out a while longer on Melka Amba in Gojjam, before Af Krestos captured him and brought him to Dankaz where Susenyos I had his camp; here the Emperor's brother was tried and sentenced to banishment.


Susenyos I attempted one more campaign against the rebels, only to find his men mutinous.


Susenyos I was buried at the church of Genneta Iyasus.


Susenyos I had one official marriage, with Wald Saala, a princess from the ancient Christian family of the rulers of Walaqa and Mahrabete.


Susenyos I was the second son of Susenyos and the eldest by Wald Saala.


Susenyos I reigned as Emperor for over thirty five years.


Susenyos I would have 2 sons and 1 daughter, when his daughter died at child birth he was enraged and had an arguement with his brother Fasilides where he exposed his plans uprising against his brother.


Susenyos I was married several times, her first marriage was dissolved and she was bethroted to the Bela Krestos, one of her father's retainer.


Susenyos I was the wife Ras Yolyos, once an influential retainer turned rebel.