21 Facts About Tim Scully


Robert "Tim" Scully was born on August 27,1944 and is an American computer engineer, best known in the psychedelic underground for his work in the production of LSD from 1966 to 1969, for which he was indicted in 1973 and convicted in 1974.


Tim Scully's best known product, dubbed "Orange Sunshine", was considered the standard for quality LSD in 1969.


Tim Scully was featured in the documentary The Sunshine Makers.


Tim Scully knew the government would move quickly to suppress LSD distribution, and he wanted to obtain as much of the main precursor chemical, lysergic acid, as possible.


Tim Scully soon learned that Owsley Stanley possessed a large amount of lysergic acid monohydrate.


Owsley and Tim Scully finally met a few weeks before the Trips Festival in the fall of 1965.


LSD became illegal in California on October 6,1966, so Owsley and Tim Scully decided to set up a new lab in Denver, Colorado.


Tim Scully set up the new lab in the basement of a house across the street from the Denver zoo in early 1967.


Owsley and Tim Scully produced a hitherto uncommon psychedelic amphetamine in Denver which they called STP.


Owsley and Tim Scully produced about 196 grams of LSD in 1967, but 96 grams of this was confiscated by the authorities; Tim Scully moved the lab to a different house in Denver after Owsley was arrested on Christmas Eve 1967.


Tim Scully first met William "Billy" Mellon Hitchcock, grandson of William Larimer Mellon and great-great-grandson of Thomas Mellon, through Owsley in April 1967.


The product from the lab was distributed by The Brotherhood of Eternal Love; Tim Scully was connected with the Brotherhood via Billy Hitchcock.


The second Denver lab was discovered in June 1968 by the police while Tim Scully was in Europe searching for a new supply of precursor chemicals.


The search was eventually ruled illegal and the case was dropped, but the lab had cost approximately $25,000 to set up and now Tim Scully was looking for a new lab in addition to precursor chemicals.


In December 1968 Nick Sand, an LSD chemist from The Brotherhood of Eternal Love in Orange County, California, purchased, through an intermediary, a farmhouse in Windsor, California, where he and Tim Scully set up a large LSD lab.


In May 1969 Tim Scully was arrested in California for the 1968 Denver lab.


The search was eventually ruled illegal, but Tim Scully decided to retire from clandestine chemistry and pursue electronic design instead.


Tim Scully's defense was that he was producing ALD-52, which was legal, and not the controlled substance LSD-25.


Tim Scully lost the case and was convicted and sentenced to 20 years in prison in 1974.


Tim Scully has published eight articles on the topic of biofeedback and as many on technical computer topics.


Tim Scully has retired from his career with Autodesk as an AutoCAD dealer, consultant and senior software developer and is currently researching a book on the underground history of LSD.