12 Facts About Val Plumwood


Val Plumwood was an Australian philosopher and ecofeminist known for her work on anthropocentrism.


Val Plumwood is included in Routledge's Fifty Key Thinkers on the Environment.


Plumwood was born Val Morell to parents whose home was a shack with walls made of hessian sacks dipped in cement.


Val Plumwood's father worked at first as a hod carrier, then started a small poultry farm.


Val Plumwood attended St George Girls High School in Kogarah, where she was dux of the school.


Val Plumwood's studies were interrupted in 1958 by her brief marriage to a fellow student, John Macrae, when she was 18 and pregnant, a marriage that had ended in divorce by the time Val Plumwood was 21.


Val Plumwood resumed her studies at Sydney in 1962, this time with a Commonwealth Scholarship to study philosophy, and graduated with first-class honours in 1964.


Val Plumwood continued living in the house and changed her name again after the divorce, this time naming herself after the mountain, which in turn is named after the Eucryphia moorei tree.


Val Plumwood held positions at the University of Tasmania, North Carolina State University, the University of Montana, and the University of Sydney.


Val Plumwood was found dead on 1 March 2008 in the house she had built with Sylvan; she is believed to have died the previous day, after suffering a stroke.


Val Plumwood was a vegetarian, her affirmation of the ecological significance of predation notwithstanding, on account of her objection to factory farming.


Val Plumwood underwent a 13-hour trip to the hospital in Darwin, where she spent a month in intensive care followed by extensive skin grafts.