11 Facts About Vic Armstrong


The 6-foot Armstrong doubled for 6-foot-1-inch Harrison Ford in the first three Indiana Jones films, 6-foot-2-inch Timothy Dalton for Flash Gordon, George Lazenby for the Swiss Alps skiing scenes in the Bond film On Her Majesty's Secret Service, and 6-foot-4-inch Christopher Reeve in Superman and Superman II.


Reportedly, Armstrong looked so much like Harrison Ford that the crewmembers on the films were constantly mistaking him for Ford.


Vic Armstrong is a famed stunt coordinator and action unit director, notable for the action sequences of several James Bond films, War of the Worlds, and I Am Legend.


Vic Armstrong was the opening scene director on Terminator 2: Judgment Day.


Vic Armstrong was the subject of This Is Your Life in 2003 when he was surprised by Michael Aspel at Pinewood Studios.


In 2012, Vic Armstrong was Second Unit Director for The Amazing Spider-Man.


Vic Armstrong worked on the 2022 Amazon Prime Video series The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power as second unit director and action director.

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Harrison Ford

Vic Armstrong is a long-serving member of the British Stunt Register.


Vic Armstrong is the brother of Andy Vic Armstrong and husband of stuntwoman Wendy Leech, who is the daughter of fellow James Bond stunt performer George Leech.


Vic Armstrong met her while filming Superman II and they have four children between them.


Vic Armstrong has two children from his first marriage, and Leech has a daughter from her first marriage.