19 Facts About Viktor Kochubey


Viktor Kochubey took part in the Privy Committee that outlined Government reform of Alexander I Viktor Kochubey served in London and Paris embassies as counsel, then as Ambassador to Turkey.


Viktor Kochubey was born in Poltava province, in the ancestral homestead of Dykanka, in the family of Pavel Viktor Kochubey and Ulyana Andreevna Bezborodko.


The great-grandson of the general scribe Vasily Viktor Kochubey, who was executed in 1708 on charges of denunciation of myrmidon in the pursuit of treason.


Pavel Viktor Kochubey, who headed the Poltava court, gave his sons the ancient names of Apollo and Victor.


Viktor Kochubey studied at the private boarding House de Villeneuve, at the same time in 1776 was recorded for service in the Preobrazhensky Lab-Guard regiment.


In 1784, Viktor Kochubey briefly served as an adjutant of Potyomkin.


Viktor Kochubey found time to attend lectures at Uppsala Universitet.


Viktor Kochubey was a supporter of strengthening relations with the Ottoman Empire.


On December 12,1801, Count Viktor Kochubey was appointed a member of the Essential Council, and on September 8,1802, he became the first Minister of the Interior of Russia.


Viktor Kochubey focused on the development of the newly annexed southern lands and spared no expense for the development of Novorossiya, especially Odessa.


Viktor Kochubey presented a report on the shortcomings of the southern lands of Russia to the previous emperor.


Viktor Kochubey was one of the first to notice Speransky's talent and brought him to his service.


In 1806, during his illness, Viktor Kochubey sent Speransky instead of himself with a report to the emperor.


Viktor Kochubey maintained a good relationship with him, even when the reformer was disgraced.


Viktor Kochubey was offered the position of ambassador to England, which he refused because he did not want to leave Russia at such a difficult time.


Viktor Kochubey was second appointed Minister of the Interior on November 4,1819.


In 1819, Viktor Kochubey purchased a plot on the banks of the Fontanka from Prince Lobanov-Rostovsky and ordered the architect Montferran to build a mansion for his family.


On July 28 1821, Emperor Alexander I was established by the Siberian Committee and V P Kochubey became its first chairman.


Meanwhile, Viktor Kochubey was not happy about joining the functions of the former police ministry, as he was not involved in the investigation.