12 Facts About Virginia Raggi


Virginia Elena Raggi is an Italian lawyer and politician who served as Mayor of Rome from 2016 to 2021 as part of the anti-establishment Five Star Movement.


Virginia Raggi was born and raised in the Appio-Latino quarter of Rome, and studied law at the Roma Tre University, specialising in judicial and extrajudicial civil law.


Virginia Raggi was previously a member of local neighborhood boards before joining the Five Star Movement for Rome district XIV in 2011.


At the time of her election Virginia Raggi lived with her family in the Ottavia suburb in Northern Rome.


Virginia Raggi is married to fellow M5S member Andrea Severini with whom she has one child, born in 2009.


Virginia Raggi won the closed primary in preparation for the upcoming June 2016 Rome municipal early election.


Virginia Raggi "promised to fight corruption and bring back Rome's splendor a year after a wide-reaching scandal exposed criminal infiltration in city bidding contracts".


In February 2017, Virginia Raggi was put under investigation for two cases of malfeasance in office with regard to decisions on staffing of her private office.


On 11 August 2020, Virginia Raggi stated that she would stand for re-election.


In March 2019 Virginia Raggi faced calls for her resignation after three of Rome's metro stations were closed due to concerns about malfunctioning escalators.


In June 2019 Virginia Raggi stated that 12 million euros would be spent on improving the city's parks and gardens.


In 2017, Virginia Raggi proposed to collect the coins in the Trevi Fountain and use that money towards the funding of the city.