18 Facts About Vladimir Vernadsky


Vladimir Vernadsky was one of the founders and the first president of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.


Vladimir Vernadsky is most noted for his 1926 book The Biosphere in which he inadvertently worked to popularize Eduard Suess' 1885 term biosphere, by hypothesizing that life is the geological force that shapes the earth.


Ivan Vernadsky had been a professor of political economy in Kyiv at the St Vladimir University before moving to Saint Petersburg; then he was an Active State Councillor and worked in the Governing Senate in St Petersburg.


Vladimir Vernadsky's mother was a Russian noblewoman of Ukrainian Cossack descent.


Vladimir Vernadsky wrote to his wife Nataliia on 20 June 1888 from Switzerland:.


Scacchi's condition led Vladimir Vernadsky to go to Germany to study under Paul Groth, curator of minerals in the Deutsches Museum in Munich.


Vladimir Vernadsky learned to use Groth's modern equipment, which included a machine to study the optical, thermal, elastic, magnetic and electrical properties of crystals.


Vladimir Vernadsky gained access to the physics lab of Leonhard Sohncke, who was studying crystallisation during that period.


Vladimir Vernadsky often mentioned that Petersburg was built on the bones of Ukrainians.


Vladimir Vernadsky asked his father in detail about Shevchenko, Kulish, Maksymovich, Kvitka-Osnovianenko, whom he knew personally, as well as about the Cyril-Methodiev brotherhood, about Kostomarov, etc.


Vladimir Vernadsky participated in the First General Congress of the zemstvos, held in Petersburg on the eve of the 1905 Russian Revolution to discuss how best to pressure the government to the needs of the Russian society; became a member of the liberal Constitutional Democratic Party ; and served in parliament, resigning to protest the Tsar's proroguing of the Duma.


Vladimir Vernadsky published War and the Progress of Science where he stressed the importance of science as regards to its contribution to the war effort:.


Vladimir Vernadsky first popularized the concept of the noosphere and deepened the idea of the biosphere to the meaning largely recognized by today's scientific community.


The word 'biosphere' was invented by Austrian geologist Eduard Suess, whom Vladimir Vernadsky met in 1911.


Vladimir Vernadsky was an important pioneer of the scientific bases for the environmental sciences.


Vladimir Vernadsky was a member of the Russian and Soviet Academies of Sciences since 1912 and was a founder and first president of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in Kyiv, Ukraine.


Vladimir Vernadsky was a founder of the National Library of Ukrainian State and worked closely with the Tavrida University in Crimea.


Vladimir Vernadsky died before a full project was pursued.