21 Facts About Aaron Raskin


Aaron L Raskin is an American Chabad Lubavitch rabbi and writer.

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Aaron Raskin serves as spiritual leader of Congregation B'nai Avraham, an Orthodox synagogue in Brooklyn Heights, New York, and dean of Brooklyn Heights Jewish Academy.

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Aaron Raskin was born to Benzion and Bassie Raskin and raised in Crown Heights, a neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York.

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Aaron Raskin served as a shliach of the Lubavitcher Rebbe in Great Britain, and was the representative on Jewish leadership on a visit to the House of Lords.

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In March 2009 during Purim, Aaron Raskin, while wearing The Man with the Yellow Hat costume, helped police to catch a thief who had been robbing the synagogue's charity boxes.

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Aaron Raskin holds regular weekly classes, open to the entire community.

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Aaron Raskin built a state-of-the-art mikveh in B'nai Avraham, based on the Lubavitcher Rebbe's philosophy that mikvehs should be aesthetically pleasing.

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Every Hanukkah, Aaron Raskin oversees the placement of a giant 32-foot menorah in front of Brooklyn's Supreme Court building on Cadman Plaza, and lights it reciting the traditional blessings.

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Aaron Raskin serves as dean of Brooklyn Heights Jewish Academy, which opened in the fall of 2015.

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Aaron Raskin received a dayonis judgeship from Rabbi Zalman Nechemia Goldberg and Rabbi Yohoram Ulman in 2017.

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Aaron Raskin was involved for many years in conversions to Judaism, particularly at the start of his career.

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Aaron Raskin continues to offer classes geared toward baal teshuvas and potential converts.

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Aaron Raskin is a strong proponent of involving non-Jews in learning and following the Seven Laws of Noah.

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Aaron Raskin is known by local journalists and public relations people as a quotable source of information about Jewish law, who can speak to the Orthodox Jewish lifestyle in secular, pop-cultural contexts and outlets.

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Aaron Raskin was featured in the February 2006 issue of National Geographic magazine about the Chabad Lubavitch movement, with a large photo of Aaron Raskin and his wife instructing a new female congregant in the recitation of blessings over the Sukkot festival's Lulav and Etrog as they stood in a high wind on the Brooklyn Promenade at the beginning of the article.

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In October 2011, Aaron Raskin commented for ABC News' Good Morning America program about the alleged infidelity existing between Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore, both of whom had been documented attendees and students at the Los Angeles Kabbalah Centre.

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Aaron Raskin is married to Shternie, who directs the Gan Menachem-Kiddie Korner preschool.

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Aaron Raskin has had seven books published to date, and they have been translated into Spanish, Portuguese, German, Polish, and now being translated into Hebrew.

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Aaron Raskin is convinced of the 'miraculous' nature of these observances, and compiled human interest stories from across the globe that relate what people feel might be confluences and personal revelations associated with them.

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Aaron Raskin authored Letters of Light in 2004, in which each chapter is devoted to a discussion of a single letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

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Many of Aaron Raskin's books have been translated into Spanish, German, and Portuguese.

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