10 Facts About Abductive reasoning


Abductive reasoning is a form of logical inference formulated and advanced by American philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce beginning in the last third of the 19th century.

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Abductive reasoning conclusions are thus qualified as having a remnant of uncertainty or doubt, which is expressed in retreat terms such as "best available" or "most likely".

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Inductive Abductive reasoning is the process of inferring some general principle from a body of knowledge, where does not necessarily follow from.

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Properly used, abductive reasoning can be a useful source of priors in Bayesian statistics.

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Abductive reasoning logic programming is a computational framework that extends normal logic programming with abduction.

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Bayesian statistics

Abductive reasoning validation is common practice in hypothesis formation in science; moreover, Peirce claims that it is a ubiquitous aspect of thought:.

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Abductive reasoning considered it a topic in logic as a normative field in philosophy, not in purely formal or mathematical logic, and eventually as a topic in economics of research.

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Abductive reasoning started out in the 1860s treating hypothetical inference in a number of ways which he eventually peeled away as inessential or, in some cases, mistaken:.

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Abductive reasoning regarded economics as a normative science whose analytic portion might be part of logical methodeutic.

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Peirce indicated that abductive reasoning is driven by the need for "economy in research"—the expected fact-based productivity of hypotheses, prior to deductive and inductive processes of verification.

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