12 Facts About Abraham Rees


Abraham Rees was a Welsh nonconformist minister, and compiler of Rees's Cyclopædia .

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Abraham Rees was the second son of Esther, daughter of Abraham Penry, and her husband Lewis Rees, and was born in Llanbrynmair, Montgomeryshire.

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Lewis Abraham Rees was independent minister at Llanbrynmair and Mynyddbach, Glamorganshire .

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Abraham Rees was educated for the ministry at Coward's academy in Wellclose Square, near London, under David Jennings, entering in 1759.

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Abraham Rees moved to the pastorate of the Old Jewry congregation in 1783, and retained this charge till his death, being both morning and afternoon preacher ; he shared a Sunday-evening lecture at Salters' Hall, and was one of the Tuesday-morning lecturers at Salters' Hall till 1795.

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Abraham Rees was elected trustee of Dr Daniel Williams's foundations in 1774, and secretary of the presbyterian board in 1778, and held both offices till his death.

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Abraham Rees made a triennial visit to Wales as examiner of Carmarthen Academy.

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Abraham Rees was elected a Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1813.

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Abraham Rees was the last of the London dissenting ministers who officiated in a wig.

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Abraham Rees died at his residence in Artillery Place, Finsbury, on 9 June 1825, and was buried on 18 June in Bunhill Fields, the pall being borne by six ministers of the 'three denominations.

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Abraham Rees survived his wife and all his children, but left several grandchildren.

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Congratulated, on the completion of his task, by his friend, John Evans, Abraham Rees wrote in reply: 'I thank you, but I feel more grateful that I have been spared to publish my four volumes of sermons.

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