14 Facts About Alberto Falcone


Alberto Falcone is a fictional comic book villain appearing in books published by DC Comics, in particular the Batman books.

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On New Year's Eve Alberto Falcone is apparently killed by Holiday during a party on board Falcone's yacht.

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Alberto Falcone's body is found and identified by his father and Jasper Dolan, the Gotham City coroner.

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On Labor Day, while Sal "Boss" Maroni is being transported to a safer area after disfiguring Harvey Dent in court, Alberto Falcone appears from nowhere and kills him with two shots to the head.

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Alberto Falcone is arrested by Jim Gordon after Batman beats him so badly he loses feeling in one arm.

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Alberto Falcone later admits to committing all of the Holiday murders, including that of his cousin, Johnny Viti.

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Alberto Falcone's father offers to use his influence to free Alberto, if he only admits to killing Maroni.

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Alberto Falcone refuses smugly bragging that his new reputation as Holiday makes him much bigger than his father and all the gangsters in the mob put together; Alberto Falcone then tells his father that the days of the mob controlling Gotham are over, and that "freaks" like himself will be the ones to control the city's fate from now on.

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Alberto Falcone is convicted by the jury and sentenced to the gas chamber.

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Alberto Falcone is imprisoned in Arkham Asylum instead, across the hall from the Calendar Man, another holiday-obsessed villain who is afraid that Holiday might overshadow him.

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Alberto Falcone is placed under house arrest at the Falcone compound outside Gotham, with a tracer is attached to his leg to prevent escape.

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On Carmine Falcone's birthday, Alberto receives another gun to kill Sofia in order to usurp powers of the five crime families.

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Alberto Falcone nearly kills her in a Holiday-style shooting, but ultimately stops himself.

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Alberto Falcone appears in the animated film Batman: The Long Halloween, Part One, voiced by Jack Quaid.

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