34 Facts About Alexander Severus


Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander was a Roman emperor, who reigned from 222 until 235.


Alexander Severus was the last emperor from the Severan dynasty.


Alexander Severus was the heir to his cousin, the 18-year-old Emperor Elagabalus.


Alexander Severus was the second-youngest ever sole legal Roman emperor during the existence of the united empire, the youngest being Gordian III.


Alexander Severus managed to check the threat of the Sassanids.


Alexander Severus's death marked the epoch event for the Crisis of the Third Century.


Severus Alexander became emperor when he was around 14 years old, making him the youngest emperor in Rome's history, until the accession of Gordian III.


Under the influence of his mother, Alexander Severus did much to improve the morals and condition of the people, and to enhance the dignity of the state.


Alexander Severus employed noted jurists, such as Ulpian, to oversee the administration of justice.


Alexander Severus's advisers were men like the senator and historian Cassius Dio, and historical sources claimed that with the help of his family, he created a select board of 16 senators, although this claim is sometimes disputed.


Some scholars have rejected Herodian's view that Alexander Severus expanded senatorial powers.


Alexander Severus created a municipal council of 14 who assisted the urban prefect in administering the affairs of the 14 districts of Rome.


Alexander Severus extended the imperial residence at the Horti Lamiani with elaborate buildings and created the Nymphaeum of Alexander, which still stands in the Piazza Vittorio Emanuele.


Alexander Severus allowed a synagogue to be built in Rome, and he gave as a gift to this synagogue a scroll of the Torah known as the Severus Scroll.


In legal matters, Alexander Severus did much to aid the rights of his soldiers.


Alexander Severus confirmed that soldiers could name anyone as heirs in their will, whereas civilians had strict restrictions over who could become heirs or receive a legacy.


Alexander Severus confirmed that soldiers could free their slaves in their wills, protected the rights of soldiers to their property when they were on campaign, and reasserted that a soldier's property acquired in or because of military service could be claimed by no one else, not even the soldier's father.


The northernmost army gained some success, fighting in mountainous territory favorable to the Roman infantry, but the southern army was surrounded and destroyed by Ardashir's skilful horse-archers, and Alexander Severus himself retreated after an indecisive campaign, his army wracked by indiscipline and disease.


Alexander Severus managed to suppress the uprising, and Taurinus drowned while attempting to flee across the Euphrates.


Alexander Severus's reign was characterized by a significant breakdown of military discipline.


Alexander Severus enforced a strict military discipline in his men that sparked a rebellion among his legions.


Alexander Severus was a soldier from Thrace who had a golden reputation and was working hard to increase his military status.


Alexander Severus was a man with superior personal strength, who rose to his present position from a peasant background.


Alexander Severus was forced to face his German enemies in the early months of 235.


However, Lampridius makes it clear that he is more supportive of an alternative theory, that Alexander Severus was murdered in Sicilia.


Alexander Severus's attendants fought against the other troops but could not hold off the combined might of those seeking the Emperor's assassination.


Alexander Severus's body was buried together with the body of his mother, Julia Mamaea, in a mausoleum in Rome.


Alexander Severus was the last of the Syrian emperors and the first emperor to be overthrown by military discontent on a wide scale.


Indeed, Maximinus was able to overthrow Alexander Severus by "harping on his own military excellence in contrast to that feeble coward".


Alexander Severus was deified after the death of Maximinus in 238.


Alexander Severus divorced and exiled Orbiana in 227, after her father, Seius Sallustius, was executed after being accused of treason.


Alexander Severus is mentioned as his wife only in this later text, thus the marriage has been questioned.


The ancient historian Zosimus claimed that Alexander Severus was married three times.


Alexander Severus was extremely tolerant of Jews and Christians alike.