12 Facts About Anderson's Constitutions


Anderson's Constitutions maintained that Crusader Masons had revived the craft with secrets recovered in the Holy Land, under the patronage of the Knights Hospitaller.

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Anderson's Constitutions owned a writing table and six English books, making him comfortably well-off and literate.

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Anderson's Constitutions was a career civil servant with the commissioners of taxes.

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Anderson's Constitutions secured English authorization of the first Russian Grand Lodge and became its Provincial Grand Master.

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At the beginning, instead of Anderson's Constitutions history, is an extended introduction attacking the original Grand Lodge, now calling itself the Grand Lodge of England, but saddled by Dermott with "the Moderns" in contrast to the "Ancient" usages of the new Grand Lodge.

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Anderson's Constitutions started with an account of how he attempted to write a history which would better the others by describing masonry before Adam, but towards the end of the first volume, he fell asleep.

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Anderson's Constitutions dreamed of a conversation with Ahimon, one of four sojourners from Jerusalem, about the futility of masonic histories, after which an ancient in a shining breastplate perused his first volume and pronounced, "Thou hast div'd deep into the water, and hast brought up a potsherd".

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Anderson's Constitutions was woken by his neighbour's puppy eating his manuscript.

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Anderson's Constitutions referred to it as the fourth degree, and campaigned to have it recognised as such.

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Anderson's Constitutions said that he believed the congress would agree to a non-requirement, or the specification of a vague universal principle.

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Anderson's Constitutions spoke highly of Masons and their universalist efforts.

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Anderson's Constitutions instead announced that his revelations about the Freemasons were fictitious.

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