30 Facts About Andrew Wyeth


Andrew Newell Wyeth was an American visual artist, primarily a realist painter, working predominantly in a regionalist style.


Andrew Wyeth was one of the best-known US artists of the middle 20th century.


Andrew Wyeth was born July 12,1917, on the 100th anniversary of Henry David Thoreau's birth.


One major influence, discussed at length by Andrew Wyeth himself, was King Vidor's The Big Parade.


Andrew Wyeth claimed to have seen the film, which depicted family dynamics similar to his own, "a hundred-and-eighty-times" and believed it had the greatest influence on his work.


Vidor later made a documentary, The Metaphor, where he and Andrew Wyeth discuss the influence of the film on his paintings, including Winter 1946, Snow Flurries, Portrait of Ralph Kline and Afternoon Flight of a Boy up a Tree.


Andrew Wyeth was an illustrator known for his work in magazines, posters and advertisements.


Andrew Wyeth created illustrations for books such as Treasure Island and The Last of the Mohicans.


Andrew Wyeth studied art history on his own, admiring many masters of Renaissance and American painting, especially Winslow Homer.


Andrew Wyeth referred to his father's death as a formative emotional event in his artistic career, in addition to being a personal tragedy.


Shortly afterwards, Andrew Wyeth's art consolidated into his mature and enduring style.


On May 15,1940, Andrew Wyeth married Betsy James, whom he met in 1939 in Maine.


On January 16,2009, Andrew Wyeth died in his sleep in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, after a brief illness.


In 1937, at age twenty, Andrew Wyeth had his first one-man exhibition of watercolors at the Macbeth Gallery in New York City.


Andrew Wyeth's style was different from his father's: more spare, "drier," and more limited in color range.


Andrew Wyeth was a visual artist, primarily classified as a realist painter, like Winslow Homer or Thomas Eakins.


Andrew Wyeth gravitated to several identifiable landscape subjects and models.


Andrew Wyeth developed an extraordinary intimacy with the land and sea and strove for a spiritual understanding based on history and unspoken emotion.


Andrew Wyeth typically created dozens of studies on a subject in pencil or loosely brushed watercolor before executing a finished painting, either in watercolor, drybrush, or egg tempera.


Andrew Wyeth created nearly 300 drawings, watercolors and tempera paintings at Olson's from 1937 to the late 1960s.


Inside, Andrew Wyeth documented the Kuerners, their home, and their life.


Andrew Wyeth painted the church in several landscapes during its active period, and the abandoned building walls appear in Ring Road.


In 1986, extensive coverage was given to the revelation of a series of 247 studies of the German-born Helga Testorf, whom Andrew Wyeth met while she was attending to Karl Kuerner at his farm.


Andrew Wyeth is nearly always portrayed as unsmiling and passive; yet, within those deliberate limitations, Wyeth manages to convey subtle qualities of character and mood, as he does in many of his best portraits.


Andrew Wyeth had already given a few Helga paintings to friends, including the famous Lovers, which had been given as a gift to Andrew Wyeth's wife.


Andrew Wyeth developed technically beautiful works, had a large following and accrued a considerable fortune as a result.


Andrew Wyeth provided one name for both categories: Andrew Wyeth.


Admirers of Andrew Wyeth's art believe that his paintings, in addition to their pictorial formal beauty, contain strong emotional currents, symbolic content, and underlying abstraction.


Andrew Wyeth created work in sharp contrast to abstraction, which gained currency in American art and critical thinking in the middle of the 20th century.


Museum exhibitions of Andrew Wyeth's paintings have set attendance records, but many art critics have evaluated his work less favorably.