14 Facts About Apomorphine


Apomorphine, sold under the brand name Apokyn among others, is a type of aporphine having activity as a non-selective dopamine agonist which activates both D2-like and, to a much lesser extent, D1-like receptors.

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Apomorphine was used as a private treatment of heroin addiction, a purpose for which it was championed by the author William S Burroughs.

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Apomorphine is used in advanced Parkinson's disease intermittent hypomobility, where a decreased response to an anti-Parkinson drug such as L-DOPA causes muscle stiffness and loss of muscle control.

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Apomorphine's R-enantiomer is an agonist of both D1 and D2 dopamine receptors, with higher activity at D2.

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Apomorphine improves motor function by activating dopamine receptors in the nigrostriatal pathway, the limbic system, the hypothalamus, and the pituitary gland.

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Apomorphine has a high clearance rate and is mainly metabolized and excreted by the liver.

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Apomorphine has a catechol structure similar to that of dopamine.

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Apomorphine was one of the earliest used pharmacotherapies for alcoholism.

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Apomorphine noted there appeared to be a significant prejudice against the use of apomorphine, both from the associations of its name and doctors being reluctant to give hypodermic injections to alcoholics.

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Apomorphine is given his favourite drink, and his favourite brand of that drink.

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Apomorphine will be strong enough to get up and two days later he leaves the home.

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Apomorphine cure is qualitatively different from other methods of cure.

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Apomorphine goes on to lament the fact that as of his writing, little to no research has been done on apomorphine or variations of the drug to study its effects on curing addiction, and perhaps the possibility of retaining the positive effects while removing the side effect of vomiting.

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Apomorphine is used to inducing vomiting in dogs after ingestion of various toxins or foreign bodies.

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