13 Facts About Apra Harbor


Apra Harbor, called Port Apra, is a deep-water port on the western side of the United States territory of Guam.

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Geography of Apra Harbor has been extensively modified from its pre-historical state by humans.

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The Spanish preferred ports were Umatac and Hagatna, resulting in Apra Harbor being used by foreigners seeking to avoid Spanish authority.

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In 1734, Governor Francisco de Cardenas Pacheco opened up new anchorages in Apra Harbor, and built three cannon batteries or forts to protect them.

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Apra Harbor was thus used more frequently in the nineteenth century.

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Apra Harbor was used as a coaling station, refueling ships transiting across the Pacific.

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Construction of Inner Apra Harbor required 7,500,000 cubic feet of dredging and 26,000 feet of quay wall.

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Apra Harbor broke into three pieces and rough weather prevented the Navy and Coast Guard from determining if her stern section piece still blocked the entrance, closing the port.

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The US Navy has suggested the need for expansion of Apra Harbor, which is the largest deep water port in the Western Pacific and the busiest in Micronesia to allow the basing of additional ships in Guam as part of the Navy's shift to the Pacific.

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Apra Harbor currently has many users, the two major ones being Naval Base Guam and the Port of Guam.

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Coast Guard Station Apra Harbor is located on Naval Base Guam property and has an area of responsibility including the Mariana Islands, Palau and the Federated States of Micronesia; it has three Sentinel-class cutters: Frederick Hatch, Myrtle Hazard, and Oliver Henry; and the Seagoing Buoy Tender USCGC Sequoia.

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Vessels entering, leaving, or shifting berth in Apra Harbor are required to give 24 hours notice to the Port Authority of Guam Port Control Harbor Master and the US Coast Guard Captain of the Port.

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Inner Apra Harbor is a restricted area that is marked by two uncharted buoys.

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