12 Facts About BBC Archives


BBC Archives are collections documenting the BBC's broadcasting history, including copies of television and radio broadcasts, internal documents, photographs, online content, sheet music, commercially available music, BBC products, press cuttings, artifacts and historic equipment.

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BBC Archives encompass numerous collections containing materials produced and acquired by the BBC.

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The BBC Archives says that the budget for managing, protecting and digitising the archive accounts for only a small part of its overall budget.

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BBC Archives is engaging in an ongoing project to digitise and preserve their entire archived programme material, migrating recordings made on older analogue formats such as film, audio tape, videotape, vinyl, wax cylinders etc on to today's latest electronic formats as digital files, which are compatible with modern computer hardware and software equipment and systems.

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BBC Archives is constantly preserving, cataloguing and digitising its physical formats in order to safeguard material that is physically deteriorating for the future.

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BBC Archives has contingencies in place when digitising material so that digitised copies are not accidentally overwritten, encrypted, deleted, incorrectly catalogued, incorrectly labelled and no more than one copy of each is digitised into the BBC Digital Archives.

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From 1963 to 2010, the majority of television material of nationally networked programmes in the BBC Archives Archive were housed at the archive centre in Windmill Road, Brentford, in west London.

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Material is stored in thirteen vaults, controlled to match the best climate for the material inside them, and named after a different BBC Archives personality depending on the content contained in them.

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BBC Written Archives contain all the internal written documents and communications from the corporation from the launch in 1922 to the present day.

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Voices from the Archives was a former BBC project, launched in partnership with BBC Four that provided free access to audio interviews with various notable people and professions from a variety of political, religious and social backgrounds.

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BBC Heritage Collection is the newest of the BBC Archives and holds historic broadcast technology, art, props and merchandise.

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The collection was created out of personal collections and bequeaths by former staff members, as the BBC had no formal policy on the heritage collection until c 2003.

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