11 Facts About Bertrand Snell


Bertrand Hollis Snell was an American politician who represented upstate New York in the United States House of Representatives.


Bertrand Snell was a pro-business, low-tax, isolationist conservative Republican who exemplified the traditional values of his party and fought vigorously against the New Deal, especially regarding taxes.


Bertrand Snell was intensely loyal to the regular Republican leaders, only deviating from this fidelity when constituent interests were at stake.


In 1923 Bertrand Snell became chairman of the important House Rules Committee.


Bertrand Snell helped fashion a compromise that allowed regular Republican leaders a modicum of control.


Bertrand Snell backed Herbert Hoover for the 1928 GOP presidential nomination, albeit somewhat unenthusiastically.


Bertrand Snell would have preferred for President Calvin Coolidge to run for another term.


Tilson was too closely associated with the increasingly unpopular Hoover, and Bertrand Snell had made some concessions to the progressive Republicans.


Bertrand Snell opposed the Agricultural Adjustment Act, the Elmer Thomas amendment favoring inflation, the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act, and other early New Deal measures.


In late 1937, Bertrand Snell introduced legislation for a tax cut, and during the special session of Congress in the same year, Republicans and southern Democrats combined to recommit Roosevelt's Fair Labor Standards Bill, although it was enacted in the next session.


However, because of declining eyesight and hearing, and his belief that the Republicans would be unable to retake the House in the near future, Bertrand Snell decided to retire.