13 Facts About Black swan


Black swan is a large waterbird, a species of swan which breeds mainly in the southeast and southwest regions of Australia.

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Black swan was introduced to various countries as an ornamental bird in the 1800s, but has managed to escape and form stable populations.

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However, the black swan can be distinguished by its much longer neck and slower wing beat.

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Black swan is common in the wetlands of southwestern and eastern Australia and adjacent coastal islands.

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Black swan's preferred habitat extends across fresh, brackish and salt water lakes, swamps and rivers with underwater and emergent vegetation for food and nesting materials.

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Black swan was once thought to be sedentary, but is known to be highly nomadic.

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In 1864, the Australian black swan was introduced to New Zealand as an ornamental waterfowl and populations are now common on larger coastal or inland lakes, especially Rotorua Lakes, Lake Wairarapa, Lake Ellesmere, and the Chatham Islands.

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Black swan is very popular as an ornamental waterbird in western Europe, especially Britain, and escapees are commonly reported.

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Black swan is almost exclusively herbivorous, and while there is some regional and seasonal variation, the diet is generally dominated by aquatic and marshland plants.

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The Black Swan is fully protected in all states and territories of Australia and must not be shot.

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Black swan was a literary or artistic image among Europeans even before their arrival in Australia.

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The black swan is featured on the flag, and is both the state bird and state emblem of Western Australia; it appears in the Coat of Arms and other iconography of the state's institutions.

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The Black Swan was the sole postage stamp design of Western Australia from 1854 to 1902.

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