11 Facts About Brood War


StarCraft: Brood War is the expansion pack for the military science fiction real-time strategy video game StarCraft.

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Brood War was critically well received, with reviewers praising it for being developed with the care of a full game rather than as an uninspired extra.

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Brood War's gameplay remains fundamentally unchanged from that of StarCraft, although it made small alterations to unit costs and some abilities, and added some new units.

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Brood War takes place in the StarCraft universe, set around the early 26th century.

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Story of Brood War is presented through its instruction manual, the briefings to each mission, and conversations within the missions themselves, along with the use of cinematic cut scenes at the end of each campaign.

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Development on Brood War began shortly after the release of StarCraft in 1998, and was announced after the release of StarCraft's first two expansion packs, Insurrection and Retribution.

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GameSpot was positive in its review, stating that the design of Brood War "contains all the care, detail, and ingenuity of a true sequel" that "completely revitalizes" the original game.

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The review concludes that Brood War is a "more-than-worthy successor to StarCraft and one of the finest computer game expansion sets of all time", and gave a special achievement award of "Best Expansion Pack" to the game.

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Brood War was a finalist for Computer Games Strategy Pluss 1998 "Add-On of the Year" award, which ultimately went to Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome.

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StarCraft, along with its expansion Brood War, rapidly grew in popularity in South Korea, establishing a successful professional gaming scene.

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However, even after being supplanted by its successor, Brood War competition remained popular for part of an audience and streaming channels of retired professional gamers kept popularity.

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