21 Facts About Catherine Booth


Catherine Booth was co-founder of The Salvation Army, along with her husband William Booth.

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Catherine Booth was born as Catherine Mumford in Ashbourne, Derbyshire, England, in 1829 to Methodist parents, John Mumford and Sarah Milward.

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From an early age, Catherine Booth was a serious and sensitive girl.

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Catherine Booth had a strong Christian upbringing and was said to have read the Bible through eight times before the age of 12.

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Catherine Booth kept herself busy and was especially concerned about the problems of alcoholism.

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Catherine Booth was a member of the local Band of Hope and a supporter of the national Temperance Society.

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When Catherine Booth refused to condemn Methodist Reformers in 1850, the Wesleyan Methodists expelled her.

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At the home of Edward Rabbits, in 1851, she met William Catherine Booth, who had been expelled by the Wesleyans for reform sympathies.

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William was reciting a temperance poem, "The Grog-seller's Dream", which appealed to Catherine Booth, who had embraced the new Methodist passion for abstinence.

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Catherine Booth began to be more active in the work of the church at Brighouse.

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Catherine Booth was convinced that women had an equal right to speak.

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Catherine Booth witnessed to her timidity about claiming her calling, yet William announced that she would speak that night.

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Catherine Booth became a partner in her husband's work and soon found her own sphere as a powerful preacher.

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Catherine Booth spoke to people in their homes, especially to alcoholics, whom she helped to make a new start in life.

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Catherine Booth was eloquent and compelling in speech, articulate and devastatingly logical in writing, she had for over twenty years defended the right of women to preach the gospel on the same terms as men.

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Catherine Booth was both a woman and a fine preacher, a magnetic combination that attracted large numbers to hear her and made its own statement about the validity of women's ministry.

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Amongst other activities, Catherine Booth lobbied Queen Victoria to seek legislation for safeguarding females, in the form of the "Parliamentary Bill for the protection of girls".

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William preached to the poor and ragged and Catherine Booth spoke to the wealthy, gaining support for their financially demanding ministry.

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General Catherine Booth had an active policy of encouraging officers to intermarry.

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Catherine Booth organized Food for the Million shops where the poor could buy a cheap meal and at Christmas, hundreds of meals were distributed to the needy.

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Catherine Booth is interred with her husband in Abney Park Cemetery, London.

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