21 Facts About Constantius Chlorus


Constantius Chlorus was father of Constantine the Great, the first Christian emperor of Rome.


Constantius Chlorus adopted Diocletian's nomen "Valerius", and, being equated with Maximian, took on "Herculius".


Constantius Chlorus's given command consisted of Gaul, Britannia and possibly Hispania.


Constantius Chlorus was the more senior of the two caesares, and on official documents he always took precedence, being mentioned before Galerius.


In late 293, Constantius Chlorus defeated the forces of Carausius in Gaul, capturing Bononia.


Constantius Chlorus spent the next two years neutralising the threat of the Franks who were the allies of Allectus, as northern Gaul remained under the control of the British usurper until at least 295.


Constantius Chlorus battled against the Alamanni, achieving some victories at the mouth of the Rhine in 295.


Constantius Chlorus remained in Britannia for a few months, replaced most of Allectus' officers, and the British provinces were probably at this time subdivided along the lines of Diocletian's other administrative reforms of the Empire.


Later in 298, Constantius Chlorus fought in the Battle of Lingones against the Alemanni.


Constantius Chlorus was shut up in the city, but was relieved by his army after six hours and defeated the enemy.


Constantius Chlorus defeated them again at Vindonissa thereby strengthening the defences of the Rhine frontier.


In 300, he fought against the Franks on the Rhine frontier, and as part of his overall strategy to buttress the frontier, Constantius Chlorus settled the Franks in the deserted parts of Gaul to repopulate the devastated areas.


The campaign was avidly pursued by Galerius, who noticed that Constantius Chlorus was well-disposed towards the Christians, and who saw it as a method of advancing his career prospects with the aging Diocletian.


Eusebius denied that Constantius Chlorus destroyed Christian buildings, but Lactantius records that he did.


In 304, Maximian met with Galerius, probably to discuss the succession issue and Constantius Chlorus either was not invited or could not make it due to the situation on the Rhine.


Constantine, disappointed in his hopes to become a caesar, fled the court of Galerius after Constantius Chlorus had asked Galerius to release his son as Constantius Chlorus was ill.


Constantius Chlorus was either married to, or was in concubinage with, Helena, who was probably from Nicomedia in Asia Minor.


Eusebius's Life of Constantine claims that Constantius Chlorus was himself a Christian, although he pretended to be a pagan, and while Caesar under Diocletian, took no part in the Emperor's persecutions.


Geoffrey related that Constantius Chlorus was sent to Britain by the Senate after Asclepiodotus was overthrown by Coel of Colchester.


Coel submitted to Constantius Chlorus and agreed to pay tribute to Rome, but died only eight days later.


Constantius Chlorus married his daughter Helena and became king of Britain.