10 Facts About Cyanide


Cyanide ion is isoelectronic with carbon monoxide and with molecular nitrogen N=N.

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Cyanide ion is a reductant and is oxidized by strong oxidizing agents such as molecular chlorine, hypochlorite, and hydrogen peroxide .

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Cyanide anion reacts with transition metals to form M-CN bonds.

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Cyanide is mainly produced for the mining of silver and gold: It helps dissolve these metals allowing separation from the other solids.

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Cyanide is used for pest control in New Zealand, particularly for possums, an introduced marsupial that threatens the conservation of native species and spreads tuberculosis amongst cattle.

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New Zealand

Cyanide has been known to kill native birds, including the endangered kiwi.

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Cyanide is effective for controlling the dama wallaby, another introduced marsupial pest in New Zealand.

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Cyanide salts are used for killing ants, and have in some places been used as rat poison .

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Cyanide is used in jewelry-making and certain kinds of photography such as sepia toning.

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Cyanide is quantified by potentiometric titration, a method widely used in gold mining.

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