13 Facts About D2L


D2L is a Canada-based global software company with offices in Australia, Brazil, Europe, Singapore, and the United States.

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D2L is the developer of the Brightspace learning management system, a cloud-based software suite used by schools, higher educational institutions, and businesses for online and blended classroom learning.

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D2L is the developer of Open Courses, a Massive Open Online Course platform.

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D2L was founded in 1999 by Canadian entrepreneur John Baker, who became president and CEO.

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D2L founded D2L while studying systems design engineering during his third year at University of Waterloo.

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D2L was awarded the Meritorious Service Cross in 2017 for his work at the company to advance learning across the country and around the world.

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D2L went public with an initial public offering in November 2021 on the Toronto Stock Exchange.

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In 2004, D2L first introduced support for Competency Based Education, and launched an integrated ePortfolio product to allow learners to document their own learning.

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D2L became the recipient of the 2012 Platinum Learning Impact Award in the event hosted by IMS Global.

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In 2013, D2L was recognized by the National Federation of the Blind for its leadership in Accessibility with the Dr Jacob Bolotin Award.

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That same year, D2L launched a beta of a redesigned interface using responsive web design to offer full functionality on mobile devices, which saw general release in 2017.

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In 2008, D2L entered the massive open online course MOOC market to support MOOC pioneers Stephen Downes and George Siemens.

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D2L's services include: a cloud-based learning system, end-user help desk support, technical account management, technical data management, advisory consulting, program management, training, course development, customization, and accessibility design support.

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