The word "Vigils", at first applied to the Night Daily Office, comes from a Latin source, namely the or nocturnal watches or guards of the soldiers.
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The word "Vigils", at first applied to the Night Daily Office, comes from a Latin source, namely the or nocturnal watches or guards of the soldiers.
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Daily Office of the Vigils was a single Daily Office, recited without interruption at midnight.
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The Night Daily Office and Lauds are grouped together as a single canonical hour to form a total of seven canonical hours.
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Daily Office Cycle begins with Vespers and proceeds throughout the night and day according to the following table:.
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Midnight Daily Office is seldom served in parishes churches except at the Paschal Vigil as the essential office wherein the burial shroud is removed from the tomb and carried to the altar.
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Hence the book of the Divine Daily Office is called Qdham u wathar, or at full length Kthawa daqdham wadhwathar, the "Book of Before and After".
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Advent of Pietism and Rationalism led to a disdain for and a decline in the observation of liturgies of every sort in Lutheran Germany, including the Daily Office, as described in Paul Graff's Geschichte der Auflosung der alten gottesdienstlichen Formen in der evangelischen Kirche Deutschlands.
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Renewal in the Daily Office took place in the nineteenth century as a part of the confessional revival among Lutherans, particularly as a result of the work of such figures as Johann Konrad Wilhelm Lohe.
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Traditional 1784 Methodist Daily Office is contained in The Sunday Service of the Methodists, which was written by John Wesley himself.
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Some Methodist religious orders publish the Daily Office to be used for that community, for example, The Book of Offices and Services of The Order of Saint Luke contains Morning, Mid-Morning, Noon, Mid-Afternoon, Evening, Compline and Vigil.
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