15 Facts About Dallas Austin


Dallas Austin was initially reluctant because she thought he would become bored and quickly move on to a different interest.


Dallas Austin felt that he could no longer continue living in Columbus and boarded a bus to Atlanta with the intention of living with his aunt.


Dallas Austin got his start in the music industry when his manager William "Vybe Chyle" Burke introduced him to his business partner, Klymaxx member Joyce Irby.


Joyce was the "way out" Dallas Austin had been looking for.


Dallas Austin enlisted as an exclusive producer for her company Diva One Productions.


Dallas Austin went on to produce the songs "My Music" and "I Will Always Love You" for Troop's 1989 album Attitude.


Dallas Austin used to take his keyboard to school with him, but his mother expressed annoyance at this, telling his school guidance counselor that she did not feel his production career would work out, but the counselor told her that because Austin had kept at his hobby for so long, then perhaps it would indeed work out, and suggested that Austin's mother back him.

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Dallas Austin, who was nearly finished with his compulsory education, expressed his wish to cease going to school.


Dallas Austin spent a large amount of his time at the aforementioned skating rink, where the owners had built a studio for an Atlanta production collective, Organized Noize.


Dallas Austin later helmed the bulk of the debut albums for the Motown signees Another Bad Creation and Boyz II Men.


Dallas Austin initially did not understand why she said this, but would later find out that it was because he was considered a "work for hire" employee of Irby.


Dallas Austin consulted a lawyer and the lawyer said that although the employment contracts to which he was a party were not favorable to him, they were fair enough so he advised Austin to keep working under them.


Irby did not sue anybody and everything worked out as Dallas Austin was, as aforementioned, able to produce on the debut Boyz II Men record.


In 2014 Dallas Austin appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show as a co-host.


Dallas Austin then worked with Madonna on her 1994 album Bedtime Stories.