19 Facts About Daniel Prenn


Daniel Prenn was a Russian Empire-born German, Polish, and British tennis player who was Jewish.


Daniel Prenn was ranked the world No 6 for 1932 by A Wallis Myers, and the European No 1 by "American Lawn Tennis" magazine.


Daniel Prenn was ranked world No 8 in 1929, world No 7 in 1934, and was ranked No 1 in Germany for the four years from 1928 to 1932.


Daniel Prenn was a runner-up for the mixed doubles title of Wimbledon in 1930.


Daniel Prenn emigrated from Germany to England, and later became a successful businessman.


Daniel Prenn grew up primarily in St Petersburg, in Russia.


Apart from tennis, Daniel Prenn was an amateur boxer and runner.


Daniel Prenn graduated from the Technische Hochschule of Charlottenberg, Germany, earning a doctorate in engineering in 1929.


Daniel Prenn represented Germany in the 1926 World Table Tennis Championships in London, reaching the fourth round in singles and the quarterfinals in doubles.


Daniel Prenn failed to win the Berlin international Championships, and subsequently lost to Bill Tilden in the final.


Daniel Prenn lost the doubles with his Davis Cup teammate Heinrich Kleinschroth to the duo of Tilden and Erik Worm.


Daniel Prenn was a runner-up for the Danish Covered Court Championships in 1932, losing to Danish champion Einer Ulrich.


Daniel Prenn received the Reichsmedaille for winning the European Zone of the 1932 International Lawn Tennis Challenge.


Daniel Prenn rose to the top of the German rankings starting from 1925 when he was ranked 15, in 1926 broke into the top ten at 10th, in 1927 he was the fourth-best player in the country and from 1928 to 1932 he peaked the German tennis charts.


Daniel Prenn then changed nationality and represented Great Britain in the 1935 Maccabiah Games in Palestine.


Daniel Prenn lost the Harrow tournament of London to Bunny Austin in straight sets, and the French Covered Court Championships to Jean Borotra, in straights.


Daniel Prenn was expelled from the Germany Davis Cup team, though it didn't affect his presence as Germany was eliminated in the first round of the 1931 International Lawn Tennis Challenge.


Daniel Prenn still has an interest in or owns a dozen companies.


Daniel Prenn was inducted into the International Jewish Sports Hall of Fame in 1981.