14 Facts About David Turpie


David Battle Turpie was an American politician who served as a Senator from Indiana from 1887 until 1899; he served as Chairman of the Senate Democratic Caucus from 1898 to 1899 during the last year of his tenure in the Senate.


David Turpie grew up in Ohio and graduated from Kenyon College in 1848.


David Turpie studied law and moved to Logansport, Indiana, where he set up a law practice.


David Turpie soon became active in the United States Democratic Party to which he would belong for the rest of his life.


David Turpie served one term and then returned to practicing law.


David Turpie was the Democratic candidate for the US House seat held by Schuyler Colfax in 1862, losing only narrowly.


Shortly thereafter, Turpie was elected to the United States Senate from Indiana to fill the unexpired term of Jesse D Bright who had been expelled for alleged disloyalty.


David Turpie served for just under two months, until the regularly elected senator, Thomas A Hendricks, arrived to take his seat.


David Turpie was again elected to the state legislature and served as speaker of the Assembly from 1874 to 1875.


David Turpie served as the United States District Attorney for Indiana from 1886 to 1887.


In 1887, David Turpie was again elected to the United States Senate from Indiana, this time for a full term.


David Turpie defeated Benjamin Harrison who would soon become the President of the United States.


David Turpie was reelected in 1893 and served in the Senate for 12 years, from 1887 to 1899.


David Turpie retired from public life and died in Indianapolis.