13 Facts About Deeplearning4j


Eclipse Deeplearning4j is a programming library written in Java for the Java virtual machine .

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Deeplearning4j includes implementations of the restricted Boltzmann machine, deep belief net, deep autoencoder, stacked denoising autoencoder and recursive neural tensor network, word2vec, doc2vec, and GloVe.

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Deeplearning4j was contributed to the Eclipse Foundation in October 2017.

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Deeplearning4j relies on the widely used programming language Java, though it is compatible with Clojure and includes a Scala application programming interface .

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Deeplearning4j has been used in several commercial and academic applications.

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Java API

Deeplearning4j includes an n-dimensional array class using ND4J that allows scientific computing in Java and Scala, similar to the functions that NumPy provides to Python.

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Deeplearning4j includes a vector space modeling and topic modeling toolkit, implemented in Java and integrating with parallel GPUs for performance.

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Deeplearning4j includes implementations of term frequency–inverse document frequency, deep learning, and Mikolov's word2vec algorithm, doc2vec, and GloVe, reimplemented and optimized in Java.

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Real-world use cases for Deeplearning4j include network intrusion detection and cybersecurity, fraud detection for the financial sector, anomaly detection in industries such as manufacturing, recommender systems in e-commerce and advertising, and image recognition.

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Deeplearning4j has integrated with other machine-learning platforms such as RapidMiner, Prediction.

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Deeplearning4j serves machine-learning models for inference in production using the free developer edition of SKIL, the Skymind Intelligence Layer.

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Deeplearning4j is as fast as Caffe for non-trivial image recognition tasks using multiple GPUs.

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Deeplearning4j can be used via multiple API languages including Java, Scala, Python, Clojure and Kotlin.

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