19 Facts About Donald Prothero


Donald Prothero is the author or editor of more than 30 books and over 300 scientific papers, including at least 5 geology textbooks.


Donald Prothero called Prothero "the best punctuated equilibrium researcher on the West Coast".


Donald Prothero attended the University of California, Riverside where he studied paleontology under Dr Michael O Woodburne and Dr Michael Murphy and earned Phi Beta Kappa during his junior year.


Donald Prothero was featured in the Mr Deity and the Flood episode of the video series Mr Deity.


Donald Prothero is currently a research associate in vertebrate paleontology at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County.


Donald Prothero was one of the earliest paleontologists to use the concept of palaeomagnetism in the study of continental rocks.


In October 2012, Donald Prothero appeared in his capacity as a paleontologist on Conspiracy Road Trip, a BBC television documentary in which five individuals who self-identified as Creationists participated in a road trip along the western coast of the United States, meeting with various experts on the topic, exchanging views and questions with people holding differing views.

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Donald Prothero has frequently written about the topic of cryptozoology, a pseudoscience and subculture, which he categorizes along with Holocaust denial and UFO abductions claims as aspects of American culture that are "clearly baloney".


Donald Prothero looks at the evidence regarding global warming and the role humans have had on it.


Donald Prothero goes into details to outline climate change deniers' arguments and rebuttals to those arguments and finally talks about why people deny climate change.


Donald Prothero grew up in a Presbyterian household, but eventually became an atheist.


Donald Prothero became involved in the skeptical movement in the mid-1990s, when Michael Shermer invited him to join the editorial board of The Skeptics Society.


In 2015, Donald Prothero was elected a fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry.


Donald Prothero is on the editorial board of Skeptic magazine, and in the past has served as an associate or technical editor for such scientific journals as Geology, Paleobiology, and Journal of Paleontology.


Donald Prothero's fellowships include the Geological Society of America, the Paleontological Society, the Linnean Society of London, the Guggenheim Foundation, the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, and the National Science Foundation.


Donald Prothero served as the president and vice president of the Pacific Section of Society for Sedimentary Geology, and five years as the program chair for the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology.


Donald Prothero has been a member of Society for the Study of Mammalian Evolution since 2005.


Donald Prothero has received a number of honors for his research as well as his lectures and books.


Donald Prothero was awarded the 2015 Joseph T Gregory Service Award honoring his outstanding service to the welfare of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology.