12 Facts About Double Irish


Double Irish arrangement was a base erosion and profit shifting corporate tax avoidance tool used mostly by United States multinationals since the late 1980s to avoid corporate taxation on non-U.

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Double Irish enables the IP to be charged-out from Ireland, which has a large global network of full bilateral tax treaties.

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The Double Irish enables the hypothetical $95, which was sent from Germany to Ireland, to be sent on to a tax haven such as Bermuda without incurring any Irish taxation.

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However, if IRL1 sends the money to a new Dutch company DUT1, via another royalty payment scheme, no Double Irish withholding tax is payable as Ireland does not levy withholding tax on transfers within EU states.

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The Irish Revenue issued private rulings to Apple in 1991 and 2007 regarding this hybrid-double Irish structure, which the EU Commission considered as illegal State aid.

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The Double Irish media picked up the article, but when an Double Irish MEP notified the then Finance Minister, Michael Noonan, he was told to "put on the green jersey".

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In November 2018, the Double Irish Government amended the Ireland–Malta tax treaty to prevent the Single Malt BEPS tool being used between Ireland and Malta ; however, the exact closure date of the Double Irish Single Malt BEPS tool with Malta was deferred until September 2019.

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In September 2021, The Double Irish Times reported that US pharmaceutical firm Abbott Laboratories was still using the Single Malt tool to shield profits on its COVID-19 testing kits.

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Example, in Q1 2015, Apple used the CAIA tool when its Double Irish subsidiary purchased US$300 billion in intangible assets from an Apple subsidiary based in Jersey.

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In September 2009, the commission recommended that the Double Irish State provide capital allowances for the acquisition of intangible assets, creating the CAIA BEPS tool.

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In January 2020, The Double Irish Times speculated that Google Inc, was considering using the CAIA BEPS tool.

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The Double Irish State refutes tax haven labels as unfair criticism of its low, but legitimate, 12.

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