11 Facts About Douglas Cleverdon


Thomas Douglas James Cleverdon was an English radio producer and bookseller.

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Douglas Cleverdon then set up a bookshop in Bristol, modelled on Birrell and Garnett in London, with signboards designed by Eric Gill and Roger Fry.

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Douglas Cleverdon married Elinor Nest Lewis in 1944; she was a secretary at the BBC, and they provided a social focus for producers and performers.

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Douglas Cleverdon was the President of the Double Crown Club in the 1950s.

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Douglas Cleverdon died on the 1st October 1987 and is buried with Nest on the eastern side of Highgate Cemetery.

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Douglas Cleverdon's first book published was a collection of engravings by Eric Gill, who later drew the first version of what would become Gill Sans for him for use on signs and notices for the shop.

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Later, in 1948, Douglas Cleverdon would adapt and produce David Jones's major poem In Parenthesis for radio, with Richard Burton and Dylan Thomas, with music by Elizabeth Poston, for BBC Radio's Third Programme.

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In 1954 Douglas Cleverdon produced Under Milk Wood, the premier of the Dylan Thomas dramatic poem; according to Jenny Abramsky it had taken seven years to persuade Thomas to write it.

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Douglas Cleverdon collected folk songs in the south of England for the BBC in the 1940s.

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Douglas Cleverdon produced programmes for them featuring Max Beerbohm, Ted Hughes, Stevie Smith and many other poets.

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Douglas Cleverdon was a friend and near neighbour of the writer Jillian Becker, who was a friend of Plath and it was at Becker's House in Barnsbury Square that Plath spent the last few days of her life.

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