11 Facts About Drug policy


Drug policy is the policy regarding the control and regulation of psychoactive substances, particularly those that are addictive or cause physical and mental dependence.

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Drug policy policies are usually aimed at combatting drug addiction or dependence addressing both the demand and supply of drugs, as well as mitigating the harms of drug use, and providing medical assistance and treatment.

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Supply side reduction involves measures such as enacting foreign policy aimed at eradicating the international cultivation of plants used to make drugs and interception of drug trafficking, fines for drug offenses, incarceration for persons convicted for drug offenses.

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Drug policy in the Netherlands is based on two principles: that drug use is a health issue, not a criminal issue, and that there is a distinction between hard and soft drugs.

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Drug policy use remains at average Western European levels and slightly lower than in English speaking countries.

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Drug policy addicts were then aggressively targeted with therapy or community service rather than fines or waivers.

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Sweden's drug policy has gradually turned from lenient in the 1960s with an emphasis on drug supply towards a policy of zero tolerance against all illicit drug use.

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Drug policy treatment is free of charge and provided through the health care system and the municipal social services.

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The general drug policy is supported by all political parties and, according to opinion polls made in the mid 2000s, the restrictive approach received broad support from the public at that time.

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Drug policy is in the process of applying for additional licenses, including the cultivation of hemp.

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US drug policy is heavily invested in foreign policy, supporting military and paramilitary actions in South America, Central Asia, and other places to eradicate the growth of coca and opium.

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