19 Facts About Ecomusicology


Ecomusicology is an area of study that explores the relationships between music or sound, and the natural environment.

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Ecomusicology combines these disciplines to explore how sound is produced by natural environments and, more broadly how cultural values and concerns about nature are expressed through sonic mediums.

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Ecomusicology explores the ways that music is composed to replicate natural imagery, as well as how sounds produced within the natural environment are used within musical composition.

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Ecomusicology is concerned with the study of music, culture, and nature, and considers musical and sonic issues, both textual and performative, related to ecology and the natural environment.

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Ecomusicology is regarded as a field of research rather than a specific academic discipline.

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On one hand, Ecomusicology is a unique field of research which helps to make connections between a variety of music-related and environmental studies.

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Musicologist Aaron S Allen, the author of multiple published works on Ecomusicology, defines Ecomusicology as “the study of music, culture, and nature in all the complexities of those terms.

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Ecomusicology considers musical and sonic issues, both textual and performative, related to ecology and the natural environment.

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Ecomusicology considers aspects of environmental sustainability within music production and performance.

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Key area of focus for studies within Ecomusicology are the ways in which sound and music is used to create or express concerns about the environment.

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Jeff Todd Titon has described Ecomusicology which focuses more on conceptual aspects of Ecocriticism as “the study of music, culture, sound and nature in a period of environmental crisis.

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Ecomusicology considers the relationships between music or sound, and the promotion of ideas surrounding Environmental activism.

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Ecomusicology investigates the creation of music which attempts to reflect or capture feelings or experiences provoked by the Natural environment.

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Ecomusicology is often closely paired with the study of Ecology, assisting in the analysis of the behavioural patterns of animals and ecosystems through the investigation of sound data.

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Human-focused studies in Ecomusicology are often conducted using similar Field research methods to that of Anthropology or Sociology.

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Ecomusicology considers the ways in which Musical instruments and other forms of sound manipulation are used to recreate or represent features of specific environments or Soundscapes.

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Music produced within the conceptual spectrum of Ecomusicology often tries to replicate sounds found in the Natural environment.

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Common feature of musical compositions related to Ecomusicology, is the use of field recordings that capture the ambient sound produced within a specific environment.

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Also of interest to studies within Ecomusicology, are the ways in which sound is processed and manipulated through technological software to compose new soundscapes or sound environments.

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