12 Facts About Wansong Xingxiu


Wansong Xingxiu or Wansong Yelao was a Chinese Buddhist monk who lived under the Jin dynasty and Mongol Empire.

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Wansong Xingxiu was an influential member of the Caodong school of Chan Buddhism.

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Wansong Xingxiu was born into the Cai family from Jie county in Hezhong .

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Wansong Xingxiu then travelled to Cizhou to study under Chan Master Xueyan Huiman .

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In 1193, Wansong Xingxiu came to the attention of Emperor Zhangzong of Jin, who invited him to court in order to expound Buddhist teaching.

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In 1197, Wansong Xingxiu moved to Bao'en Temple to the west of the central capital, where he resided in the Congrong hermitage .

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However, Wansong Xingxiu remained at Bao'en Temple, outside the city now renamed Yanjing.

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In 1223, the Khitan statesman Yelu Chucai, who had surrendered to the Mongols in 1218, visited Wansong Xingxiu to receive Buddhist instruction from him, and thereafter he frequently visited Wansong Xingxiu to ask his advice.

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Wansong Xingxiu was succeeded as master of Bao'en Temple by Linquan Conglun .

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Wansong Xingxiu wrote two important commentaries on koan compiled by Hongzhi Zhengjue .

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Wansong Xingxiu wrote a commentary on Hongzhi's niangu koan, entitled Qingyi Lu, known in English as Record of Seeking Additional Instruction.

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Wansong Xingxiu wrote a collection of sayings entitled Wanshou Yulu, with a preface dated 1235.

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