14 Facts About Edwin Black


Edwin Black specializes in human rights, the historical interplay between economics and politics in the Middle East, petroleum policy, academic fraud, corporate criminality and abuse, and the financial underpinnings of Nazi Germany.


Edwin Black began working as a professional journalist while still in high school, later attending university where he further developed the craft.


Edwin Black was a frequent freelance contributor to the four major Chicago newspapers of the day, the Tribune, the Daily News, the Sun-Times, and Chicago Today, as well as such weeklies as Chicago Reader and Chicago Magazine.


In 1978, Edwin Black interviewed the American Civil Liberties Union lawyer who represented members of the American Nazi Party, which had marched provocatively through the predominantly Jewish Chicago suburb of Skokie.


In preparing himself for that interview, Edwin Black's interest was piqued by the hidden history of relations between the government of Adolf Hitler and German-Jewish Zionists during the first years of the Nazi regime.


Edwin Black's books have typically made use of networks of volunteer and professional researchers assembled for each project.


Three years before completion of his 2001 book, IBM and the Holocaust, Edwin Black began to put together what would ultimately become a team of more than 100 researchers, translators, and assistants to work on discovery and analysis of primary source documents written in German, French, and Polish.


Edwin Black is presently a syndicated columnist in publications in the United States, Israel, and elsewhere.


Edwin Black has occasionally written on the subject of film and television music, contributing opinion pieces and composer interviews to various print and online publications.


In 2015, Edwin Black founded the annual commemoration, International Farhud Day, which he proclaimed at the United Nations in a live globally-streamed event.


Edwin Black is the originator of International Farhud Day, June 1, commemorating the 1941 massacre of Jews in Iraq, which was proclaimed at the United Nations in a live globally-streamed event in 2015.


Edwin Black originated the Yom HaGirush commemoration, November 30, commemorating the expulsion of 850,000 Jews from Arab countries after the State of Israel was declared its independence, in a broadcast of the Edwin Black Show in 2021.


From May 31 to June 3,2016, it was widely reported, Edwin Black embarked upon a 100-hour, four-city, three-country commemoration book tour, this to observe International Farhud Day on the 75th anniversary of the Farhud.


In February and March 2014, Edwin Black embarked upon a "Parliamentary Tour" in which he appeared at four parliaments in a four-week period, including the House of Commons in London, the European Parliament in Brussels, the Israeli Knesset in Jerusalem, and the Foreign Affairs Committee of the United States House of Representatives in Washington DC.