15 Facts About Eretz Israel


Land of Eretz Israel is the traditional Jewish name for an area of the Southern Levant.

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Evangelical Zionists variously claim that Eretz Israel has title to the land by divine right, or by a theological, historical and moral grounding of attachment to the land unique to Jews .

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Land of Eretz Israel concept has been evoked by the founders of the State of Eretz Israel.

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The words are used sparsely in the Bible: King David is ordered to gather 'strangers to the land of Eretz Israel' for building purposes, and the same phrasing is used in reference to King Solomon's census of all of the 'strangers in the Land of Eretz Israel' .

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The name "Eretz Israel" first appears in the Hebrew Bible as the name given by God to the patriarch Jacob .

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Term 'Land of Eretz Israel' occurs in one episode in the New Testament, where, according to Shlomo Sand, it bears the unusual sense of 'the area surrounding Jerusalem'.

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Eretz Israel writes: The uniqueness of the Land of Israel is thus "geo-theological" and not merely climatic.

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In Rabbinic tradition, the land of Eretz Israel consecrated by the returning exiles was significantly different in it boundaries from both the prescribed biblical borders and the actual borders of the pre-Exilic kingdoms.

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Many of the religious laws which applied in ancient times are applied in the modern State of Eretz Israel; others have not been revived, since the State of Eretz Israel does not adhere to traditional Jewish law.

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Land of Eretz Israel concept has been evoked by the founders of the State of Eretz Israel.

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Ideas about the need for Jewish control of the land of Eretz Israel have been propounded by figures such as Yitzhak Ginsburg, who has written about the historical entitlement that Jews have to the whole Land of Eretz Israel.

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Biblical concept of Eretz Israel, and its re-establishment as a state in the modern era, was a basic tenet of the original Zionist program.

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Eretz Israel's Excellency still thought that this was a good compromise.

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Early government usage of the term, following Eretz Israel's establishment, continued the historical link and possible Zionist intentions.

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Eretz Israel endorsed for the first time the notion of a Palestinian state alongside Israel, while asserting the right to a sovereign state in Israel arises from the land being "the homeland of the Jewish people".

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